According to a statement released from Anphabe, PNJ leads the “Best Places to Work” in the retail/wholesale/trading industry; Top 20 “Vietnam’s 100 Best workplaces in 2022” and Top 50 “Vietnamese Most Attractive Employer Brands in 2022”.
It’s the pride of love & strong bond of PNJ’s warriors for more than 34 years strengthened by an innovative & effective HR strategy that encourages PNJ to break through to be the best place to work in retail/wholesale/ trading climbing up 45 ranks in the past 05 years. This is also the 8th year that PNJ has been voted Top 100 Best Places to work in Vietnam.
In the honoring night, Mr. Le Tri Thong – CEO of PNJ had impressive sharing about the philosophy of unleashing people: “PNJ always focuses on unleashing people through unlocking the potential, releasing the energy and inner creativity of employees. Each employee always has an exclusively ‘tailored’ career path with strong support of their colleagues.”